Lords of the fallen the commander
Lords of the fallen the commander

lords of the fallen the commander

You’ll be attacked by a Rogue, so take him out, continue toward the light and face off against another Rogue and 2 Infested. Hop through, open the chest and a light will spill out that will lead you to another chest. As you enter the area, turn right and you’ll spot a portal. Make your way to the right to find a Marauder and audio note. Go back to the checkpoint to save, then head across the arena where you fought the Commander for another cutscene. The spoils of your battle will yield a Big Sealed Rune, an Arrowhead fist weapon and Commander Shield. He’ll also spice things up by letting fly magic sword lasers, but as long as you’re circling him and keeping close, this won’t pose as a problem. Watch out for the magic shield, as it will summon a minion that you have to defeat in order for the shield to dissipate. While his shield is wedged into the ground, nip back in and do some damage. Circle around him (he will do the same), and when he lifts his shield, back off so that you’re just out of range of the subsequent shockwave when he pounds it onto the floor. He’ll use his shield to knock you back, but won’t follow up with an attack. In terms of strategy, don’t stray too far from the Commander. If you do this after the battle has ended, you will only be given the option to respec. If you picked up the Shard of Heroes, you can take one of the weapons from the statues over to the left.

lords of the fallen the commander

Lords of the Fallen guide: Commander boss battleīefore we commence, note that the bonus requirement stipulates that you don’t use your shield to block attacks. Strategies for taking down the Commander and preparing for another boss fight not soon after.

Lords of the fallen the commander